ITZINU: Empowering Women's Mindset and Confidence in MIDLIFE
Welcome to ITZINU Podcast, a podcast dedicated to exploring the art of self-care, body positivity, and embracing our unique physical selves. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey, unraveling the secrets to cultivating a deep sense of love and appreciation for the incredible vessel that carries us through life - our bodies.
Hosted by a passionate advocate for Health and Wellness, this podcast aims to inspire and empower listeners to develop a healthier relationship with their bodies. This episode delves into diverse aspects of Cherishing your Body and practical tips to nourish our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Discover the profound connection between self-esteem, body image, and overall happiness. Uncover the impact of media, societal expectations, and cultural influences on our perception of ourselves. Learn strategies to break free from negative body talk, comparisons, and unrealistic beauty standards, fostering a positive and empowering mindset.
We'll explore the importance of self-care rituals, from nourishing nutrition and joyful movement to mindfulness practices and body acceptance exercises. Tune in to uncover strategies for building self-compassion, embracing your unique features, and celebrating beauty in every shape, size, and color.
So, if you're ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-love, Tune into this podcast. Let's embark on a path toward radiant health, vibrant well-being, and a deep appreciation for the incredible temple within each of us.
ITZINU: Empowering Women's Mindset and Confidence in MIDLIFE
#169: "Rebuilding myself after surgery, get back to where I felt more stronger."
In this episode of ITZINU Podcast,' we delve into an inspiring interview with Lyndall, a grandmother and active community member recovering from surgery.
Lyndall shares her journey of overcoming a six-week hiatus from exercise, her struggles with maintaining motivation, and her actionable strategies for setting realistic goals to regain strength and flexibility.
This conversation explores the significance of reframing perspectives on health and fitness, particularly as we age, and emphasizes the importance of consistency, accountability, and understanding one's 'why' for long-term well-being.
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#169: "Rebuilding myself after surgery, get back to where I felt more stronger."
[00:00:00] Hello. Hello. And welcome back to the ITZINU podcast. So today we are bringing you a, another podcast where we are another interview, where we are interviewing a, another member of our community. So today's interview is with Lyndall. She is a grandmother. She's a mom. She is very active and she's just actually had a surgery.
So she's coming back from surgery and trying to, um, So she's had six weeks off of exercise and she's trying to, uh, you know, like really make sure that she's got a good plan in place for navigating life and getting back into a good routine. Something that Lyndall struggles with is she feels like she struggles with motivation.
So she struggles with feeling motivated and making sure that she's motivated to keep on moving, which I know is something that a lot of people be able to resonate with because they might struggle with the same thing. We'll get straight into the interview. It's great to, uh, hear Lyndall's insights into setting her goals and to, uh, really making sure that she's being [00:01:00] realistic with herself into, uh, you know, putting plans into place.
Place as to what she wants to achieve. So we'll pass you straight onto it. Let's get into it. Thank you for your stuff. Good. Wanted to, um, ask you is where, like, what would you like to get? Like, where would you like to be? What would you like to get out of this? Okay, um, I'd like to feel more motivated to go to class, um, feel like I have more energy, uh, I feel like I wake up most days and I'm pretty lethargic, and I don't know if that's because of being out of action for six and seven weeks and now getting, struggling to sort of, I'm back in it, but it's a bit of a struggle, um, so I'd like to feel motivated and I would like to feel, um, Uh, more energetic.
I'm not, I'm not worried about look. [00:02:00] Yeah. I'm not worried about look. Yeah. Um, just want to improve flexibility and strength. get back to where I felt more strong, or stronger. Um, and my shoulder is niggly, but not bad. So I'd really like to try and, and push through it and, and, um, and get my arms back into, um, better shape and improve the core.
So pretty much an all rounder, but it's not, it's not for looks wise, and it's not to change, Size. I don't think either. I'm okay with all that. I'm okay with all that. It's just that I just want to go every, I want to be able to get up in the morning and go. I feel really great. Yeah. And yeah, that's, that's what I want to get out of it.
Yeah. Yeah. So when was the time that you got up in the morning and you felt really great? Oh, gee, it's, it's been a while. Um, It's probably, it's probably, it's probably been a really long [00:03:00] time because my sleep pattern isn't terrific anyway, but it has been a long time and I think maybe when I felt like I had a little bit more time to myself, um, so it's been, things are busy, things are busy.
And can you remember like a specific like an actual specific time where you woke up and you did feel felt really good after we did that one rep max program. Yeah. And I felt really good after I think maybe the first. I reckon maybe the first challenge, which was the, like the little black dress challenge, I felt really good after, after those, and I know that it was because I concentrated on, made an effort to go to class and I, I was looking at my food and the macros were good and things were just working properly and, but I feel like I.
I lose it after I either I finish it or or I lose it towards the end of it. Yeah. I find it hard to sustain. Yeah. So that's [00:04:00] that was my next question is why do you feel why do you feel like you lose it to what like why do you feel like. I guess the thing that I want for everybody is to always be something you can stick to forever.
So what we have to work out is, like, why do you feel like you always lose it at the end? Or, like, at the end, or just after? I think, I think I get lazy. I think I get lazy. I get lazy and I go back into all the old habits. Or, um, things just get on top and I go, Oh, that'll be okay. I'll just do this today and then I'll fix it tomorrow.
And I'll, and, but then it just, you know, one day becomes another day and it doesn't improve. I, yeah. So I think the first couple of weeks is always really, really good. And then I start to, so I probably need to be a lot more account, held much more accountable, yeah, and be a bit, yeah, a bit tougher, rather than go, okay, it's all, all good, like, don't get me wrong, I don't, I don't, um, [00:05:00] I don't think that I'm bad in too many ways, but I know there's way more, there is room for improvement, there is room for improvement, yeah.
But if, if we can look at, cause obviously we're looking for the long term, but we get to a point where, like, we can look at, so like you're getting, so let's say something goes eight weeks, right? I can be really good for eight weeks. The one rep back class went for eight weeks. Um, the rest was eight weeks, right?
So I need to be looking beyond that eight weeks. So what's your, What, what things can we put in place accountability wise? So it can be check-ins with me. It can be other things. Yeah. Check-ins with you. I'm, I'm, I, I may have to, I don't know whether it be, um, charting or writing stuff down all the time, like every single day and, and having to make it be like if you said to me, oh, show me what you've done, blah, blah, blah.
Even at a spur of the moment, and I know that I've got a habit, so I can't just make it up on the spot. Where's the point of, uh, and only [00:06:00] you can think about it and work it out is, um. That can all be done, but does that end up getting, does that end up feeling overwhelming and like too much to do and then you go, Oh, well, I failed at that too.
You know, like I failed at that too. So, um, you know, like it's, it's just thinking what's going to work, what's going to work for your personality. So, so obviously just thinking about, you know, like, um, You know, looking at this, that you feel like you're easily swayed away and that you'd lose the end of momentum.
So there's some form of accountability, but I think what we need to think about and not out between us is what's the accountability. That's not going to make you feel overwhelmed. Like I'm not making, I've got, I've got to write everything down and everything exact. And then the kids get sick and you've got to do this and, and then you feel like you don't have enough time.
There has to [00:07:00] be, yeah, there has to be some leeway, obviously, it can't be too stringent. But I don't know, maybe I've got to try and make it a priority, you know, it's not always a priority. Yeah. Have you ever. Yeah. I know we've talked about this before, but have you ever really sat down and thought about what your why is?
Generally speaking, my why, I would think would be to make sure that for the rest of my life, however long that it is, because I'm now in the last year. half of it, well and truly, that I can do, do everything I want to do, whether I, whether it be travel, whether it be looking after the kids, whether it be, um, going away with girlfriends, whether it be walking up the street and just doing the local shopping.
I want to be able to do that without feeling tired and sore. Or, or, or, I don't wanna, I don't wanna get to an age either that I fall over and [00:08:00] then I can't recover because I'm not strong enough or I, you know, so I wanna be able to have, maintain some strength and some, um, mobility and some balance, all that sort of stuff because it's, I, I know that, well, I've been talking to a lot of girlfriends and I've got a mom who's in her seventies and, and I'm nowhere near my seventies yet, but they deteriorate.
And once something happens, they all just suddenly just go downhill and it's very hard to get back. So, but all the parents that I know, none of them have been very active. So they've just sort of plotted along and then all of a sudden one thing happens and they've lost it. So I don't want to get to that.
I want to be able to go, Oh, if I feel over, I can recover from that. Or I can, I can, um, I'm ready to topple, but I can, I can balance properly or, you know, I just want to be able to, I want to be able, I want to be able to, you know, take my grandkids for a walk. I don't want to be able, I don't want to be restricted.
That's what I want. I want to be able to do anything I want to do. [00:09:00] That's my why. Yeah. So on a scale of one to ten, ten being most important, one being how, how important is that to you? Oh, I think it's everything. I think it's everything because, you know, it's a nine or a ten because if I don't do it, I'll be depressed.
And, and, and house bound. And I'm a real, I don't like sitting in the house. Mm-Hmm. And I, I know I'm a people person. I have to get out. So that would be a nightmare to me. Yeah. Yeah. So, so if with that being your nine or 10 of importance Mm-Hmm. . So in order to get that, what are the things you need to do?
Okay. So I, I have to make it a priority. I have to make it a priority. I really, really do. You know, and, and I've, I've done stuff in the past. But I know now, oh, I've, I've had, um, I've had two people that I know recently just passed away [00:10:00] and they're in their 40s and 50s, like one was a stroke in his 50s and I think, oh, you know, sometimes you can't help these things, but if you can alleviate a lot of issues.
You know, and I have average cholesterol. I don't have good cholesterol. I have average cholesterol. So I've got to watch that. And I have to watch my blood pressure because that's, um, in my family is high blood pressure. So all that I have to look at. So it is a, I have to put it as a priority. And if I don't I'm only going to be here again in six months or 12 months time saying the same thing.
But we have to, we have to, you have to keep reminding yourself of that. Like that's, that's, that's why this needs to, you know, like this, that's why this needs to be a priority, like be your number one. I think like, yes, you've just, you've just had surgery. So you've missed, you know, seven or so weeks, but I, I think before that you're, you're very consistent with your exercise.
Okay. I do, I do come, come as many times as I can during the week. Some weeks are [00:11:00] much better than others. Some weeks I get a bit slack and I do try, I probably, I could do more though. I really could. If I worked around things better, I could do, do it more. Um, I really need to probably get, get better. Um, food habits in line, not, I don't have bad food habits, but I probably should monitor and see, because I think I do okay, but maybe there are things in there that I, you know, really shouldn't, or have to minimize.
Yeah, yeah. So, so got some things for us for on that. But what I, what I think we should look at doing is we should look at, we've got to keep, keep reminding yourself of that why, right? Whether you write it somewhere, have in front of your face, you know, like I know you're good with your, you know, like your habits and those types of things, but the, the why has to be that reminder.
And my why is the same as yours now, like for my grand. Every day that I see her, every day that I [00:12:00] see, you know, somebody and I see that they can't move well, or they're hurt, you know, they've hurt themselves, like again, it just, um, reconfirms in my brain why that why is so important. And I think that we keep reminding yourself of that, you know, like speaking to hearing them say that, you know, they.
They've got different aches and pains and whatever else, and you know that that doesn't have to be you and that's not gonna be you. Um, so I think that first thing is reminding yourself of that and why this all needs to be a priority. The, um, the other thing is, is that I think you, we could look at the classes that we, you are doing and making sure you are, you know, like you are choosing ones that are specifically towards.
What you're looking at, you know, um, yeah, that way, you know, like you, you really liked the, uh, one rep max class, you know, that those types of weights, you know, so making sure that you're, you're [00:13:00] choosing the weight of sessions, you know, improving your flexibility and your strength, those, those afternoon sessions.
I actually am liking the afternoon sessions. I like the way it goes from a class then to the, um, movement one or, or the, um, um, flexibility one or stretching one. Yeah. They're really good too. Yeah. Cause you get the best of both worlds. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, like you could just look at big, like, look at how your week pans out and be like, right, I really want to focus on these, you know, Um, focus on these, you know, and be like, right, I'm going to make it here, there, or, you know, like, plan yourself out, but, and that lots of interruptions end up happening with kids and grandkids, but it's just trying to plan it out.
Like, if you plan it out a little bit as much as you can before, [00:14:00] um, you know, and you can be like, well, I need, you know, I'm going to make, make sure that I'm attending a minimum of this amount. And if I. If I don't come, you know, like, like, I guess, I guess what do you feel is that you can commit to weekly?
How many would you? Oh, I, I can easily, I can easily do four classes a week. Yeah. Really? Really? And, and I could do a Saturday morning class. I was thinking about last week, and I just couldn't be bothered to drag myself out of bed. Yeah. Like, but I should have because I was awake. Yeah. Awake. I was awake. And I thought I really should have gone to class this morning.
So, and then I go, Oh, then I get disappointed because I didn't, because I know, even though I wouldn't have wanted to have gotten up and got out of bed, I know I feel good after I do it. That's, that's the thing. So I really needed to, I should have gone. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, um, I guess that feeling is what makes me get up is because I might like, I can't be bothered.[00:15:00]
I feeling lazy, which we all feel that way. But then I go, I'm going to feel like shit after, because I'm going to wish I just got up and did it because I'm already awake. I'm going to go back to sleep, you know, or if I do, it's not going to be a proper sleep. I may as well just get up and do it and it's done.
So, yeah, so I think, I think I have to push myself. I've got to prioritize it and push myself and not, and not get into lazy mode. Like I've just got to, just got to get up and do it. Cause I know it makes me feel bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so that's the thing is that with, you know, it's probably reframing how you're thinking about it.
So this, this why of not wanting to, you know, um, keeping up with your grandkids, not wanting to be a, an elderly person that can't move, wanting to be able to still travel and do all these other things. Like, so if we're, the, the thing that's gonna really guide you to get there is making sure that you're doing [00:16:00] strength training, you know, focusing on your core.
Flexibility. They're the things that are going to help you get there. So we need to remind ourselves that this is so important to me. We shouldn't feel that we have to, um, we don't want to keep feeling like I'm forcing myself to do it. Yeah. Just reframe how we think about it as in this is why I'm getting up.
Like, because you know, like, yes, I'm a trainer, but nine out of 10 times, I prefer not to do it as well. You know, like I do, but then I go, well, this isn't going to help me. It's not going to doing it. I'm not going to get like, like by doing nothing, I'm not going to, I'm not, I'm going to increase my chances of being more like my grand, which I don't want to be.
You know? So I just have to get up and do it. Um, yeah, I've got to change my language about it. Yeah. Like, yeah. I don't know how your, how your mind thinks about, Oh, I've got to get up and do exercise instead of [00:17:00] going, Oh, this doesn't feel great to do this. And then I'm going to do this after, so I've got to retrain how I, how I think, I think.
Yeah. Like, because like this, like the getting up and exercising and doing is giving you is, is putting you on that path to, to give longevity. And, you know, like I, I look at my gran and I always use her example because. You know, it's in my face at the moment with her, but, but we're watching her like slowly decline, slowly die in front of our eyes, you know, and he's, you know, she's going to end up bedridden soon, but she's not going to because she's not going to be bedridden because she's broke her hip.
She's going to be bedridden because of lack of movement and sore. So she doesn't want to move. But, but it's, you know, like it's getting. you know, I can't change her mindset now, but you know, the work now, so that doesn't, that doesn't happen, you know, and I think, um, [00:18:00] yeah, it's, it's, it's all, it's all about, it's all about quality of life.
Yeah. It's with all the quality, like, yeah, that you can do what you want to do. And if you don't want to do anything. Like if you don't want to travel the world or run around the block or whatever, but you just still want to be able to potter in your garden. But you want to be able to do this quality of life, I suppose.
Yeah. And that's right. And I think that that's what the, that's what exercising, you know, working on, you know, cause like, like working on your flexibility, you know, like, yeah, your hips are tired. It's sore. Yeah. Like, it's not always easy, but it's also not easy. It's also not easy when you can't move anymore.
No, that's right. Yeah. Also, I, I, I, all the challenges were good, but I found, I think, By putting an end date to something, I think then I got black because it was going to be finished. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But that's why, that's, that's why we're looking at headset as in, you know, like [00:19:00] it's got to be for life, you know, and it's like, yep.
So, you know, and, and, um, you know, we're looking at really, so, you know, really knuckling down these habits, you know, you probably do need extra accountability until it becomes, Yeah. So much more of a routine, you know, I think obviously I've known you for a while, but I think it's, it's, you should be crediting yourself about how much you have improved in that, you know, um, I know for a long time when you were younger, you did worry about looks and that stuff.
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, I think that's, I think it's important to see how much you have, you know, for you to see. Oh yeah, I did. And I always worried because I didn't like the way I looked. But I must admit, since having the breast reduction, I've had a different feel about myself because now the rest of me is in proportion.
And I think [00:20:00] That looks okay. Like that's alright. That's alright. It's just like, they were so big and I really hated them. So now they're gone and what I've got is normal and the rest of me is normal. So that's how I feel. So I don't, I'm not worried about that anymore. So that's been a big, that's been a real positive.
Yeah, yeah. Um, and I think, you know, when we talked about the time that you felt your best was when we did that one rep max. So that's all about strength training. So I think it's looking at, you know, choosing, making sure you're like, well, I want to make sure I'm coming to say three weighted classes, you know, three that are focusing on that.
And obviously being like, well, I'm lifting, you know, like, you know, you know, the crux of what we need to do, but we need to be like, well, um, I need to, um, make sure that I'm improving lift, you know, lifting heavier in my weights. And I would put the three way to classes and I would [00:21:00] make sure that, um, you know, that we're really looking to increase your reps.
So we could do a check in every four weeks. And saying in four weeks time, you know, like, I've been lifting, um, this, you know, this amount in my classes. You know, how do we feel? Have we been able to go up, have we not been able to? Yep. You know, and, and in all classes, you know, there's always a basic move, squat, chest press, you know?
Yes. You know, skull crusher, you know, so side rate, you know, they, they're kind of all. They're always in there in some form, so we can make sure that you, that there is a focus on, um, a focus on that and making sure that you, because, because the, the thing as well is by, so for longevity, which is what we're looking for.
So reframing how we think about it, the most important thing, you already know that you have arthritis in your shoulder. So, you know, so, so your flex, your flexibility of [00:22:00] the, of the joint, not just every joint, you know, is going to improve what you can lift. But if we, we think about what's going to help, um, the arthritis not stop us from doing things is by, by building your muscle mass.
muscle up. Yep. Yep. So the bigger, the more muscle mass you have the, you know, it's going to help protect the joint, protect your bones, protect against your, uh, against arthritis and anything else. So, so again, it's, it's coming back to that. Why? And coming back to, um, you know, what's going to help, you know, I always see it as we've got this little reminder, like the body's giving you.
A little tip, you know, it's saying, you know, um, you know, my shoulders, I've got a little bit of arthritis in it. It's a little bit niggly. We can keep ignoring it or we can go, okay, I need to really strengthen this up. [00:23:00] Um, you know, you know, I've got arthritis here, so it's more likely that I'm going to get arthritis somewhere else, you know.
And so, but if we ignore it, it'll just get, it'll just the body will then remind us again and again until we listen and generally it listens when we either really heard it or, you know, so, so I just think it's, it's start to listen to the little cues that your body's giving you and then work with that.
Yes. Yes. So going on that point, and when we talked about food, what I know that you, we've done stuff about your macros before, but I thought we, uh, so it's really important. It's important to look at, you know, to follow, to look at your macros and look at getting that right balance of your protein, fats, and carbs.
But because of, uh, you know, like the, you, we talked about in our. In our sheet that we sent us, we talked about, um, you know, wanting to lose weight around the [00:24:00] middle, uh, increasing your flexibility, increasing your energy levels, all of those things. Um, I thought we should look at more focusing a bit more on an anti inflammatory style way of eating.
So, you know, we have high inflammation, so the high inflammation can be the thing that causes that weight gain around the middle. It is also been this causes the sore joints. Okay. Yep. So, you know, and looking at putting the focus on, you know, like you said, uh, lowering your blood pressure, uh, you know, lowering your cholesterol, you know, um, lowering that inflammation, which is going to only make arthritis worse.
So we can, um, you know, looking up of, of, you know, Looking at foods that are going to fuel us, um, yeah, better that way. So I have some awesome, I can [00:25:00] send you on that and then we can, that'd be awesome. Look at making that, you know, we've still got to live your life. We still got to, you know, but we can just make different choices and then see how that feels for your energy levels.
See how that feels. Overall. That would be awesome. Yeah. That would be awesome. Yeah. Perfect. So it's just, it's just, it's just, uh, looking at different foods that are going to just run better. If you're looking at your, looking at your lifestyle. Think about what you, you know, like improving flexibility, strength and core type of stuff.
So if you're like, I can't, I can't commit to coming to the class at four o'clock or five o'clock because, you know, I've got this, this, this on that, you know, like you can, um, you can do things at home. Yes, I know. My issue is if I, if I go to class or if I'm at home, I'm slacker, so, but yes, [00:26:00] yes, yes, working out like, like with, with, especially with flexibility, it's, it's the more.
That it's like a, the, it's a daily, you know, the more that we do it every day, the Yeah, the quicker it's going to improve type thing, it will always improve, you know? But if you're like, well, I'm gonna, um, your hips are tied, aren't they? So very tight. You know, even if, if we just put a home focus on hips, you know, and just was like, you know, like I know you set your habits up before and you've had your mat laid out and all of those things, but it's just been, yeah.
I just choose like, um, I'm going to do my best to make those, you know, and in the, in the strength classes, there's always some form of the hip, you know, mobility and that type of stuff. But it's, um, if I, if I just did this, you know, if I went, okay, I'm going to just focus on the hips and I'm going to do five minutes at home, you know, it might [00:27:00] not be as hard as you do in the gym, but maybe on the days that you don't.
You know, that you don't make a session or on the weekends or something, you know, like something you go, okay, well, I've still done that. And the more daily, the more that we work on that stuff daily, the more it will. Yes. Yep. Sounds good. So I do stuff as soon as I get up because, um, so I do stuff as soon as I get up because I always find with my day, this is just how my life runs, that I'm more likely to get, you know, Something in the, something in the afternoon is going to crop up.
So if I do it in the morning, done, and if I get any extra done, that's a bonus. So that's okay. That's what works for me. But yeah, I should get up in the mornings and do a, um, do some flexi flexibility exercise or something. Get up and do a couple of sun salutations and the whole, all that sort of Yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:28:00] Yeah. And I can send you a video to, I can send you a video to follow, you know? Yeah. Like something to follow that you could, you know, um. You could do, but anything like that is just going to, because again, we go back to that. Why, why am I doing this? I'm doing this because of here. And when you lay in bed, you go, I can't bother getting up.
Then I think it's a, it is about mindset for me. It's changing the mindset to get up and do it. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and, um, I was asking before, where do you think you're at with menopause? Okay. Um, I think I'm all, almost through. I still get hot flushes. Um, but have you stopped, you've had no period? Oh yeah. No. No.
But 18, 16 months I suppose. So you'd be, yeah. So you'd be closed post menopause now, so you still just get some hot flushes. Yep. Overnight time. Yep. And your, your sleep, has it got worse post menopause? It's always been average, [00:29:00] but it is, it is worse. It's worse with, um, getting to sleep. Like, I don't go to sleep very easily.
Once I'm asleep, I'll wake up a couple of times, but I can usually get back to sleep. But it's getting to sleep is, is the issue with me. Yeah, I can lie there and lie there and so often I'll get back up again. Because I just haven't gone back, just haven't gone to sleep. Yeah. Yeah. How many hours of sleep would you get a night?
Uh, probably seven to eight. Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm usually in bed between 10 and 11 and then usually up six, but maybe every second night, maybe every second or third night, I'm up for an hour. I might get back up again, maybe read a book or something. Yeah. Because, um, because I can't get to sleep. Yeah. Yeah.
Because I guess seven to eight hours is what they recommend. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's seven nights [00:30:00] probably of lying in bed. It's not full on sleep. It wouldn't be full. It's not full on sleep. That's right. Yeah. So, I reckon So, how many hours would you actually get to sleep? Some nights are good and I might get a six or seven hours, but not straight.
I'll wake several times, but other nights I could be awake for ages in bed. And, you know, four in the morning, be awake for ages. Yeah. Yeah. So, there's not really a proper pattern at all. Mm hmm. Dave, you haven't been able to work out a link with like, No, not food, not, um, I don't drink tea and coffee in, I have, I restrict, I have one cup of coffee a day and one cup of tea.
That's it, I don't have anything of a night time, I'm drinking loads more water than I ever used to. But nothing's, yeah. Yeah. Um, do you still, so even though you're post menopause, you know, you'll still get some form of a cycle. Oh, yeah. [00:31:00] I can, and I can tell because I get, um, I can tell when I can sort of, you know, maybe some weeks are worse than others when I sleep and I also get restless legs.
Some weeks. Yeah, so I know that that's sort of like a, a bit of a cycle. So, so this, so you can link your bad sleeping with your cycle? Probably, yeah, yeah. Okay, well that's, that's All the worst, all the worst parts of it would be, yeah. Some weeks are dreadful, other weeks are good. Let's start monitoring that.
Right. And let's see if we can work a pattern out. So even if we get to a pattern and we can start to predict, because what we could, what we could look at doing is, on those weeks that you're, uh, I guess in your cycle wise, or on the, You know, someone that, um, you know, somebody that's getting a period every month, uh, roughly as we look as a, on a 28 day cycle, the [00:32:00] first two weeks is more optimal.
So when we're going to have more energy, we're going to, um, feel more like exercising, all of those other things. We ovulate and generally those two weeks from is when you might start to lack energy, it looks like it's affecting your sleep. What we could like, what we could start to do is if we start to monitor it, you could be more mindful in, in those weeks when you're getting less sleep, you feel like shit, maybe you need to lift a lighter weight.
Maybe you need to do more yoga, more gentle classes to find a gentle body in those, that doesn't mean you're weaker, it just means that you're listening to your body when you're doing that. In the weeks where you're feeling really good and you're getting more sleep, then you are, that's the week that we're going to be really looking at lifting the [00:33:00] heavier weight, really challenging yourself so by the end of the third set, You know, we're starting to shake because we challenged our muscles, you know, so, so I think when you can be kinder to yourself in that way, you'll actually feel better as a overall.
Yeah. Okay. So I'll, I'll, I'll chart something up and, and monitor, you know, whether I've restless legs, whether I got up during the night, whether I fell asleep properly. Yeah, I'm, I'll monitor it. Yeah. Let's see if there's a, if there's a more of a pattern. Yeah. So what I find with people, it generally, we can generally pick a pattern within two months.
You know, three months. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Pick a pattern. So, because we can start to pick a pattern and then, um, we can, and then we can work from there because, um, for, for me, like what I train my cycle, I was like, you know, When people told me I dismissed it because I was like, I don't get period symptoms, you know, but so I dismissed it for so long.
And [00:34:00] then I started actually following my cycle and started to pay attention. And I realized I did have quite severe symptoms, but my personality is just pushed through it. So I just pushed through it. And, you know, but then there was times where I could be actually, actually, I do just need to rest and that's okay.
And, and you feel heaps better for it. So I think, you know, when we're feeling like lethargic and, um, you know, lacking energy, we, we could, you know, we could look at how your cycles actually, cause you know, like when we don't get enough sleep, there's a knockoff effect of everything. The other thing I wanted to think about is your common.
Um, your common theme that comes up with you is they're putting your family in front of you. So that, that's been, that's been your, but I think it's just working out. It's either working out how, [00:35:00] how you want that to flow for you. Like, because I think that's the thing that always, Derails you, but you are also not gonna not do anything for your family.
That's right. Yeah. Yeah. So I think, um, I think it's something that I have to learn to work around. Yeah. See mate . Yeah. Um, yeah. It's something I have to, I have to work around because I, I know my personality and I'm not, I, I, I won't change, so I just have to go. Okay, today wasn't the best. Let's move on. Or how can I fix this?
You know, you think so much comes up all the time, like every second. Changes. So Yeah. But you would also hate it if the kids didn't call you. That's it. Absolutely. So, so that's my personality be that they'll take preference Yeah. All the time. [00:36:00] Mm-Hmm. And that's how I, I, I, and I would, I, I don't wanna feel any different, even though I, I want the, I wanna do both.
Yeah. I wanna be able to do both. So I work out how to do both. Yeah. Rather than it's just thinking of how Yeah. Of how to, it could be acceptance of, yeah. Yep. Yep. Oh. Yeah. It's because you're not going to say no, you know, and no matter how much on and things get in the way, they always, they always do. So I just have to have to accept it and just go, okay, well, I can't do that, but I'll do this instead.
Maybe I have to do an alternative rather than just go, well, I can't do it, but I have, I can do this and look at it in your control. You know. Yes. So in, in those circumstances, let's say you get called away for kids. Well, food's always in your control, you know, like [00:37:00] one day or two days or one week of only getting in one session isn't going to, you know, looking at the bigger picture, it's not going to kill you, you know.
Yeah, yeah. But okay, I get in a session, but once the kids are gone, okay, I can go for a walk or I can, you know, and that's what I have to look at. Okay. I have to look at, rather than just going, okay, well, okay, today was wasted. Well, it's not, I just have to have an alternative. Reframe I have to. And, and again, we look at how you, we talk about mindset and how we think of things instead of feeling, feeling like it's a bother, not, I know you don't think your family's a bother, but instead of, it's like, if you feel like they're, it's holding you back, whatever it's, it's being like, no, I really, I really love that my kids call me and.
You know, I do, I do. I love being part of it. I do love all that. Yeah, I love all that, but I just, I just need. I need to do stuff for May too. [00:38:00] Yeah. And I have to put priorities, so we just have to work it out. But, um, like it's the same, like the filling, you know, that same thing, putting you as a priority is that filling your cup, you know, but it's that thinking of, well, you know, like the exercise, you know, that's filling my cup, you know, eating well.
You know, what's the other things that you can put in as well, so it doesn't feel like you're just giving everything, everything and there's nothing. Well, my family does fill my cup. They didn't fill my cup. Doing, doing that for them always fills my cup. And then I do do a lot of other stuff. Like I have a lot, a good social life.
Um, home, home balance and, and friends. So I do get a lot of stuff. So generally speaking, life is good. I really don't have any Complaints, you know, pretty fortunate. I just want to get, I just want to get this right. But I think you're more right than where you think you are. Yeah, maybe, maybe. I think you're more, you know, like you, you know, [00:39:00] you're, you are, you are consistent and you do, you do work around your family with your exercise.
I think, I think you are like you said, what is achieving that when we said, what is achieving your health and fitness goal look like to you? So you said waking up every day, feeling refreshed and wanting to jump out of bed and go about my day. Uh, I do enjoy the gym sessions and always feel better when I finished.
I want to be able to go to the gym and miss it. If I don't, uh, I want to have a full, strong body. So I really think you're kind of like, you know, You know, like you, when you were off eight for seven weeks, you did miss it. Oh yeah, I did. Yeah. I was terrible. Horrible. It was depressing and yeah, I, I think you're, I think you're more there.
Social. I use the gym as a social thing for me too. Yeah, because, 'cause I don't work, so the people I see at the. They're like my work colleagues, so I think more than what you realize you are, [00:40:00] but how does it sound that, so we look at, we look at tweaking your food. I'll write this out and send this to you, but we're going to look at tweaking your food for more anti looking for more anti inflammatory style eating.
Yes. Yes. We're going to look at starting to track. Your sleep and your cycle wise, if you notice any, and then we'll be able to see if we can work out a pattern from there. So that's going to take two months at minimum. And then we're going to look at, you know, we want to make four classes a week, if you can in a group, and then just look at optimizing the strength.
Yeah. And, you know, look at them and, and you know, trying to fit in the, you know, like those flexibility, those sessions that are the five to six classes, those sessions that Helena does with them, [00:41:00] they, that's all that fundamental stuff that is for, you know, that's for life stuff. Yeah. But they are, and funnily enough, they're probably one of the.
My favorite classes and I don't know, like, and I, yeah, but they're, they're fun. They're all, they're fun. So like those classes are really getting those fundamental things, which is working towards your why. So even you did two strength, two of them. Oh yeah. I could probably, I could probably at least do three, three classes and two of those.
Yeah. So accountability wise. I want you to think about what you think will work for you. So we, we know you need more accountability, but I want you to think about what you think will work for you. I know a big change, like Kerry worked out she needed something every week. And that's a big change in her, um, you know, but [00:42:00] other people are like, they're fine with every month.
Work out what works for you and we'll make that happen. So whether you check in every week, you need, you know, but we don't want it to be overwhelming. Maybe every couple of weeks, maybe it's just a quick chat every fortnight, but maybe once a month it's a proper, a better check in. Have a think and we'll work it out.
It can be, you know, it can be, I really like that because I'm a pen and paper girl. I really like that sheet that we've had before that to fill out. You put your steps, your this, because I think you can see the holes in it. So whether, whether you just feel the sheet out to your best ability with no pressure and you send that to me.
So obviously we aim to do say 10 to 12, 000 steps a day. So you can write that in there. The biggest thing is we don't want to give it a reason about us. We don't want to give it a reason to beat ourselves up. It's just, it's just information. So if we look at the sheet at the end of the week and we go, Oh, [00:43:00] I only did 5, 000 steps.
Um, you know, I only did 5, 000 steps three days. Well, maybe, you know, you know that we need to increase your, you know, look at reading more if we go, Oh, God, I only slept. Um, you know, two hours, this many nights, well then, you know, so then it gives you information of what you need to work on. Yeah. Um, where, you know, and there's the, is the accountability of writing it down.
Yeah, and then you can probably look at certain weeks and what, and be explained why. The why the consistency or inconsistency of the weeks. Yeah. Okay. The biggest thing is that there's no, there's no right or wrong, but it's, and it's also not using it as a, as a reason to beat yourself up, you know, like it's just, it's a tool to see where holes are and you could, you know, we could write on the back.
You know, like, um, the grandkids were [00:44:00] sick, everyone in the house got sick this week and I had to do this. So, you know, or I found this really overwhelming this week or, you know, like, it's just, it's, it's can be under more understanding. Yep. Yep. So, uh, we could look at, well, let's try that, fill that out and send that to me and then, um, we'll see how that goes and we'll do a longer check in in a four weeks.
Perfect. All right. That's perfect. Wicked. Cool. All right. And you'll send me some stuff on the anti inflammatory? Yes. Um, kits? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'll send you some stuff on that. We'll just look at working, like working from there. And, um, and yeah, then we'll, we'll, I'll send you the sheet and everything, and we'll look at working from there and see what, how things are going.
Because you could go in after a week or after two weeks and go, Oh, this is not working. Let's change this [00:45:00] around as well. Yep. Nothing is set in stone. No. Okay. Sounds good. Perfect. Okay. I'll, um, I'll get that stuff to you and then, um, we'll get started.
So how was that? How beautiful is Lyndall? She is a very special person.
She, uh, has, you know, she has lots of, uh, love and that for her grandkids and her kids and her family and you know, her friends and she's always, uh, juggling everything and putting them all first. So she's a very busy person, but we will be able to. Get something in place for her and get her back to feeling fabulous.
So, uh, what I wanted to see, what you may have taken from this is I just wanted to go over how, uh, lots of us tend to underestimate how, uh, where we're at. Or how good we are at how good we're actually doing. We always tend to lean towards the negative. We always tend to not, uh, it doesn't [00:46:00] seem cool to say that we're actually doing quite well, you know, because, um, I don't know, not many people do.
So we tend to lean towards saying, yeah, Yeah, I still need to be improved. I'm still working on that. Maybe because we've always been that way. But like I said, she does tend to underestimate that she's actually doing better than she thinks, you know? So, uh, the thing that I really, really wanted to talk about is about thinking about how we talk about things and changing our perceptions.
So a lot of times, uh, Lyndall felt that she was always giving up, that she was missing out on things for her family. But But in the same respect, she wouldn't want to not do things for them. So it's just looking at reframing how we're thinking about it. And sometimes when we're feeling stuck or we're struggling with things, it can be that real simple reframe that can actually change everything.
Uh, and you've not actually, you've just changed how you're thinking about the situation in, you know, and you've not actually changed your exercise or your routine. And, um, you know, I think a lot of us are in a very similar situation. situation where we maybe [00:47:00] just need to reframe how we think about it. Uh, for me, I, lots of times I think, Oh, you know, like maybe with the kids or maybe with something else, I get frustrated or I think about that, but then I always remember, then I remember that, you know, um, they're not going to want me for forever.
There's going to be a time they don't want me and I'm going to miss them. And I really try to remind myself of that all the time. I guess I was lucky enough to have a mom that I was training and she, Uh, she, kid finished school and then she just felt lost and she would come to me crying for weeks and weeks.
Not, she wasn't sure what to do and she wasn't, and I always, I never forget how she was and, and how she felt. And I thought, I'm going to feel this way about my kids one day. So it's something that I remind myself of when I feel frustrated or when I feel like I just need some space or any of those things.
I think there is going to be a day where I'm going to miss them. there's going to be a day where I want them to spend time with me and they don't want to spend time with me. So I choose to lap everything up [00:48:00] while they have it. You know, and I choose to make things work. So what I want you to think about is if you've, if you've resonated with anything of the things Lindel said, if you thought maybe, they Sometimes you might feel similar ways.
I just want you to think about reshaping how we think about what we're doing. And you know, the same thing is people who say also struggle. So reshaping what we're thinking about, if we're thinking about, um, if we've got frustrations with feeling like we have to do this for our children's or we don't have enough time or any of those things.
But also reshaping of how you think about exercise and exercising in general. Because I know lots of people sometimes feel that they're not motivated enough to get started, or they're not motivated enough to do exercise. But the thing is, what is the alternative? So if you, uh, exercise, not only moving, it makes you feel good, obviously it's going to tone and strengthen your muscles and you know, but, but not only that exercise, uh, in my eyes and how I believe exercise [00:49:00] is essential.
thing that's preventing you from being sick. It's a thing that's keeping you strong. You know, you know, it's keeping your bones strong. Your, you know, your, your muscles are protecting your bones. You know, it's a thing that can keep you from, from being, uh, from being sick. And, you know, when, if you ever did, you know, happen to, uh, get sick, whatever it, the more muscle mass you have, it's a protective layer.
So we just have to reframe how we think about it. Uh, exercising is a thing that's going to keep you moving well, and it's just finding an exercise and a routine that works for you. So I just want to refresh about how, but really think about how we reframe about. You know, I get it lots of times we can't be bothered, but, you know, we just need it.
We just need to remind ourselves of our why and what you're doing it for. And my why is the same as Lyndall's, which is all about aging. I want to age well, I want to be able to move, um, well as I get older and I want to make sure that I can lead a good quality life. And in my belief [00:50:00] is leading a good quality life will be the fitter and the stronger that I am.
And I believe whatever life throws at me, I'll be able to cope with that stuff better because I've got fitness behind me. It doesn't mean I need to run at 10Ks a day or it doesn't mean, you know, I've, I exercise in ways that I like, but I keep my body moving. Uh, I, you know, I look at the mobility of my joints.
I keep my muscle mass up, you know, working on my strength. Strength. Uh, you know, and I work on my cardio. Um, it doesn't take up hours a day. It, you know, I work it around my kids. I suit my lifestyle and that's what I want for everyone else. So just rethink about how.